Crazy Weather

Our first blizzard! Crazy but we are loving it!
These were taken with a camera phone so are terrible. We will get some better ones in the day light. It is CRAZY out there. The have had the storm alerts going with a no travel advisory and have called all the snow plows in. Cars are stuck everywhere!
We NEVER ever had a blizzard like this.Too cool! And yes for any that might be worried I have wine to last it out Ü.


Vicki W said…
Wow, now that's a storm! Glad you have stocked the essentials!
Frankly Frankie said…
I bet you almost (but not quiet) feel like your back in Alaska
Anonymous said…
This a beast of a storm isn't it? We are snowbound here in Hebron too! and I truly am loving it! I look forward to these blizzards when things come to an absolute stop and you can't do a thing about it!

Stay warm!
Jan said…
Looks like good quilting weather to me!!! :-) LOVE your doors!! Gorgeous!

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