Can you help?????

MINOT, ND can really use your help! We are begging for help actually. I am not above doing that when its for the kids... Our beautiful OAK PARK has been devastated by the flood. I know we have bigger problems but this is one we can do something about! I've listed the statistics before so you know how widespread the flood was. I wont bore you with those details again. I will just tell you this. Oak Park was where we took our kids to play.Where we walked to enjoy the nature. Where families got together for a great picnic. More then that it was a Magic Smiles Park which means that its was physically accessible to ALL children. The only one we had. It is going to take so much money to rebuild this park....This is where you come in! No we arent asking for money we are asking for votes! Coca Cola is giving away $100,000. to the park that wins. Please help. There is no limit to how many times you can vote. You do not have to register either. I would really appreciate any help at all. Th...