Rough Road

Well all my good intentions of keeping up with the blog this summer flew out the window!

I have been boring. I really just havent been up to it. We have had some family stuff to deal with. Nothing that I can really talk about. Just something to deal with.

Just as I was feeling I had my head above the water I get the phone call. You know the one you always fear is going to happen but hope it doesnt. My dad has been down for some time. Just not doing good. He has his good days and then bad ones. Hard to understand why. Well it looks like he has Parkinsons disease.

I dont know much about it as I havent done a lot of research yet but evidently its what my grandfather (his father that I never knew) died of, and as my mother tells me it answers so many of their questions.

So I am going to try to pull myself up by the bootstraps and deal with this all. Please be patient as i have a few good days and then I dont. I will get better I promise and next post I also promise pictures......


Joanie said…
Sorry to hear of your dad's illness. There's lots of information out there. I'll keep him in my prayers.
Anonymous said…
I'm sorry becca.
I miss talking to you. I hope that you can get through all the bad days knowing you have many friends out in this big ole world.. :)
Anonymous said…
Hugs to you, sorry to hear about your dad's difficulties.
Anonymous said…
that stinks. sayin a prayer for you and yours.
Freda said…
My thoughts and prayers are with you and yours Becca. Sending((((((hugs)))))) to you.
Jody said…
So sorry to hear about your dad--am praying for you
Yarni Gras! said…
oh, I am sorry to hear of this...sending hugs and prayers your way.
Randi said…
Oh Becca, I am terribly sorry to read this. Hugs coming from Texas.

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