A Change In Direction

Eventbrite - Sock It To Cancer
I know I have been absent for so long..Too long..WAY TOO LONG.......

I bet you are wondering what that button is for arent you? Well I will tell you in a bit......First I have missed blogging...I am still quilting and playing in the bling. I have been traveling so much more but I have added another hobby!

I am training for my first half marathon :)...ME!! I still shock myself...I will be doing the Walt Disney World Princess Half Marathon in Feb of next year. If you would of told me a few years ago that I would become a runner I would of told you to get your head examined. Now though I cant imagine life with out running in it. Its my time. No worries..In fact I have so much time to think I am finding answers to some of the things I worried about...Lol..Like which fabrics to put in which quilt.You know, important stuff. :)

Now I will explain the button...It is to sign up for a Virtual Run....That being said you do NOT have to actually run. You can bike, swim, walk, row, or run...Anything totaling up to a 5k. There will be prizes and a medal will be awarded to everyone that registers. Including a special kids medal. This is to support a very very dear friend.Until I help her get through this I have become fundraising central.My businesses are both on hold with all proceeds I make going to her. But I could sure use help..Here is her story.

This virtual run is a relief effort by friends and family to help support Cheryl Miller in her battle to beat cancer. Due to unexpected circumstances she found herself single and without insurance. While in the process to get insurance, on July 2, 2013 she was diagnosed with cancer. She found herself in a distressing negative situation with the local medical care, but found help in Fargo. Due to trips Fargo (530 miles roundtrip) to the doctors, at least two upcoming surgeries, and medical care, she needs your help. Due to her new circumstances, unfortunately she no longer has an income at this time either. Every penny counts and she is appreciative of any help shown to help her WIN this battle! 

Below is the link to our Facebook page where the contests will be and above is the link to register...

Sock It TO Cancer



Claudia said…
Good to hear from you again.
Wishing you the best on training for your runs.. ! So sorry to hear about your friend....prayers for her.... Please keep us posted.

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