Bella Sunshine Back To School Blog Tour!
So evidently my oldest monster is ready for preschool...I am not sure how this happened as I am not ready! I blame his mother. She was always in a hurry to grow up..
Whats a Nana to do?? Get her tail into the sewing room and start sewing thats what! He has to have some special nana made clothing for this monumental event! If your monster is around the same age you understand the PJ Mask obsession also. So I started searching.
I found a Pre Order for just the right fabrics through Hissy Fit Fabrics . Also on FaceBook. I put my order in right away.
Catboy for our oldest and Gecko for his trusty sidekick AKA the mini monster...The tricky part was keeping this a secret..I made the mistake of telling Pop Pop...He is nothing more then a BIG kid himself and could barely contain his excitement.
While I was waiting for the fabric to come in I started the search for the perfect Pattern...So I am pretty vocal about my favorite pattern companies..If you have read my blog before you should know I have a true love for Bella Sunshine Designs.
Now its true they are mostly patterns for girls and women BUT...And this is a big but....They have to perfect shirt pattern. The Regan Raglan ...It was absolutely perfect for the panels so these shirts.
Its not always easy to find patterns that fit over their hmmmm not so small heads..Little monsters at their ages typically don't like tight necklines...Its NO fun to argue over putting shirts on because they are too tight.
Especially after you have put a bit of work into making them! But these are perfect. Not only do you have the option of a regular neckline but you also can chose the V-Neck. The sleeves are banded and let me tell you I LOVE THAT...I hate hemming..But you could hem if you are one of those..You know the ones with a coverstitch.... HA!.....(someday I will be one of those)
A bonus with this pattern is that its not just a top, but if you have little Princesses you can make the tunic or a dress!Seriously does that not just rock? ....Ok though I have given you all these reasons to LOVE the Regan Raglan, but you want to know the best reason of all? ITS FREE!!!...I know I can hear you know SHUT UP...But it is! It really is!...
Bella Sunshine Designs Facebook Page ...... Y'all want to join this group..This isn't the only free pattern and the others are just as amazing
Right now is a pretty cool Back to school blog tour going on. I have posted the blogs participating at the end of this post. These mamas have worked so hard so lets go show them some love.
My monsters were so excited over their new Nana made shirts. Especially that they matched..I love that they aren't too old for that..So Catboy is off to Preschool in just 2 weeks..But Gecko will be waiting for him at nana house...
But first some bloopers from Picture day. When I tried to get them to pose we had just a bit of a meltdown..Yall I was laughing so hard at my little drama monster.....Ohhhhhhh Nana its TOO hot to smile!
Pop pop too the rescue though. An offer of Cookies and juice and all was well!

I love that you included the bloopers. So easy to relate too :-)