So Just What is Supplex

You may have heard the term but wonder just what is it? I know I did... So after googling and doing some research this is what I was able to find....

This information was taken from

The Fabric
Supplex fabric was created by scientists at Invista in hopes of combining the comfort of cotton with modern fiber technology. The goal was to create a comfortable long-lasting fabric. Through the use of modern fiber technology, Supplex fabric became a more beneficial fabric than original cotton.


Cotton has a specific kind of texture and feel to it which Supplex resembles. However, cotton can fade or shrink over time, and it requires ironing since it creases easily. Supplex fabric stays true to size and keeps its shape even after regular wear and use. This fabric is lightweight, flexible and soft.


Supplex fabric can consist entirely of Supplex nylon, or it can be a combination of the Supplex nylon and Lycra Spandex, with about 89 percent of the fabric being made of Supplex nylon. This fabric is resistant to water, wind and tears, so it won't damage easily and can be worn even in the harshest climates. It stretches easily and is comfortable enough for sports and outdoor activities. Supplex doesn't get wet easily, and when it does, it dries quickly. it doesn't change color, shape or size after being washed.


As compared to other fabrics, Supplex is a very beneficial fabric which combines the characteristics of different type of fabrics. It is as soft and comfortable as cotton, but doesn't crease, wrinkle, shrink or fade as cotton could over time. When compared to both synthetic and non-synthetic fabrics, Supplex also dries quickly and is breathable. Therefore, you can wear it while you sweat without the wet, sticky feeling you would experience with other fabrics.
(end of copied text)

So most running skirts are preferably made with Swim fabric. I am not sure if that is for the way it drapes,feels, or performance..I am not going to say I am this elite athlete and have all this great experience..I am a runner sure..But I run for fun. I am not fast nor do I even care too..I train to improve definitely. But I also train so that I can stay healthy, enjoy my run, and be injury free.

I can tell you that after wearing the Supplex that I am no longer a swim fabric addict. I will happily make a running skirt with Supplex again...I know many use it for leggings to be worn working out and Yoga. I can understand why. Its incredibly soft and is not heavy at all...

As my post before these fabrics are from Sew Fit Custom Athletic Fabrics . I HIGLY recommend this fabric. Becca Seal has designed some of the greatest prints and her prices and shipping are pretty awesome y'all...She also does make custom leggings if you do not sew. You really should go check her out.

My patterns are as follows

The Acacia's from Megan Nielson (sign up for the newsletter and get these for free!)

I love these patterns..ALL of them. These aren't the first items I have made with them. I can tell you they won't be the last either.

Living in Florida these items are staples in my closet..Especially the running skirts. I wear one every day. This skirt is so adorable on but its really a great pattern to follow....


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