
Before I even go any further yall have to check out these plates!! I found this magazine that I totally love. Southern woman or something like that. These plates were on the first page! I cant seem to find them in a store but I will. Oh yes I will! The past few days have just been filled with randomness. I have strayed from making my lists. It shows belive me. I get to the end of the day and really havent accomplished anything. Just a bunch of littleness. I have a friend who is a list maker extroardinare. She color codes and makes them all pretty. At the top she writes one thing she doesnt want to do the most. She calls that eating her frog. Seriously. Eating her frog......... She says that if she eats her frog right away then the other things fall into place. So today I decided to eat my frog. Right away I cleaned my bathroom and bedroom. I did NOT want to so this. WOW! After that I finished a customer quilt,worked on two WIPs, and loaded the mamoth bargello onto Gracie. I am almost ...