Showing posts from June, 2011
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Just a quick check in. The water has NOT hit the high levels yet and this is what we are dealing with. My heart breaks for this town I love so much. But so far everyone is safe. That is ALL that matters. Stuff is just stuff and CAN be replaced. Life can NOT! We are still high and dry. With "new " family living with us. And that is a good thing!
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The city of Minot, Burlington, Sawyer, and Logan are under a mandatory evacuation. The dams in Canada have had to release double to almost triple the amounts of water they have been releasing. There will be flooding. Maybe up to 7 feet higher then has been recorded in history. We are high and dry but have a couple coming to live with us tomorrow. We do not know for how long and frankly I dont care. I am just heartsick for the many who are scrambling to get out right now. It is a mad house and frankly scares me. I will try and keep you updated as the flooding is expected to start Thurs/Fri peak by Monday and continue at that level for two weeks.
Tired and Cranky
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THIS is what you are supposed to do with water!!! ( I posted this because I needed the smile! My little man in Washington) THIS is NOT what water is supposed to be doing! We haven't really gotten a lot of rain lately. In fact our weather has been pretty good. This is all releases from the lakes and dams in Canada still. Amazing isn't it. You should NOT see a lake here! Spent all day yesterday helping my friends haul wet sheet rock, insulation, and flooring out of their house. Load after load after load. I discovered a few things. I am not 20 anymore ( I am so very very sore today), The smell of raw sewage is NOT something I want to smell ever again, I have a deep intense obsession with power tools, and last but not least you REALLY need to look before you leap... Evidently nails sticking up out of sub flooring will puncture cute rubber galoshes. Sheesh. Foot went straight into bleach water, quickly looked up date of last tetanus shot, then smacked myself for not being more awar...
where's waldo???
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In a nutshell: We have been back from Disney World for a couple weeks. Driving to Florida was quite an adventure. I LOVED every state we visited and LOVED seeing people I love along the way. I do have pictures to share at a later date. Disney World. What can I say. I am a DW addict! WH and little A not so much. Thank heavens worker boy had fun! Even though his BF had tonsillitis and spent 3 days in bed. One of my BFs flew down and we tackled yet another Star Wars weekend! WH and little A never left the pool! Driving home was yet another adventure with barely missing storms and tornados. But we have nothing to complain about as we made it home safely........... To start off the adventure of the last two weeks let me just say I am JUST now sitting down to take a breath! Our house is high and dry. I wish I could say the same for so many others. Minot has experienced flooding they haven't experienced in over 100 years. Two of our friends have lost their homes completely. Almost a week ...