The Garden i am TRYING to love!

First though I want to say another thank you to Barb for my wonderful Apron and goodies from Vals Hot Mama Swap! Check out the links for so much eye candy Ü

Ok this garben thing........I am trying Jan I really am! I would like to know though how WHs and my garden has become ALL my work! over four hours of weeding yesterday! I am still not finding the love or joy in this dirty,bug infested hobby.Sigh. Maybe I should try a margarita with it? I can tell you my children find great humor in my "get up"......Someday I may share a picture of me in my big blue floppy hat,sunglasses,apron,and gardening gloves. Evidently I am quite a sight!

This was pre weeding. I need to get a better picture but I was sooooooooo tired I crashed. So far though I know the peas,corn,lettuce, and onions are doing great! The rest I am not sure. If it comes up in a row I weed it. I may have rows of weeds. Oh well.
Like I said this was preweeded. It looks great now. No weeds! WH had BETTER be suitably impressed when he gets back from Alaska. No worries though I HAVE quite the surprise project going on! Paybacks????? On Wed I will clue you in with pictures Ü (I wish I could make that grin more wicked looking)


Jan said…
I love your gardens!! My secret was I didn't plant in rows... I just threw in so many seeds that the weeds had no surface space to grow ;-) You are doing great!!!
Yarni Gras! said…
I love gardens....mine is way too small for me but we get tomatoes and peppers all summer long. Our herbs last year round b/c of the good weather....all but the basil which I harvest as late as I can. You'll really enjoy it when you start to harvest!!!!

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