Are You Still With Me?

So much has happened in the last month and a half...It was pretty awful for awhile and I wasnt sure of even how to take the next breath....I was a daddy's girl big time. I guess I always will be. Mom and I have gotten pretty close though. We had to do some painful things together. After dad passed away the family and I stayed for a little bit with mom. Helped her with some things she didnt need to do by herself.

It was tough going home. Life has to go on though and my life is a busy one. so home we went. First on the agenda after we got back was the rival game between Packers and Vikings. I had this little bet going with a buddy that one of us had to wear the winners hat.Hmmmm I guess you know who won. Is this guy tall or what! Heheheh Humble too.
The next thing happening was a cruise WH and I had booked a few months back.Two other couples joined us. I needed it so badly. The sleep, the laughter (my stomach STILL hurts from laughing), the sun, and the time with just WH.I will have more pics to come. Evidently I shouldnt of taken it for granted that my new laptop came with a built in card reader. So I have to go buy one. I kyped these from one of my girls. Right now I am sitting in a Miami hotel room. WH had to pop down here after the cruise to put a showing in at some sort of work related show.

I had been hoping for some more sun before we headed home. WHo knew it would be just as cold here as it is in ND!!!!!! Oh well I had to waste some time shopping. Bummer huh....We fly home tomorrow. I promise to be better now. I even have some quilt content for you! (Pick yourselves up off the floor I REALLY do)


Anonymous said…
Praying each day is better than the last..
Jan said…
Of course we are still with you!!!!!! Praying for you and doing a happy dance that you got some much needed fun in the sun!!!
Unknown said…
So very happy to see that you are back! Cannot wait for your next posts!
Freda said…
I'm still with you Becca. Glad you are having some fun. That is one tall dude with the cheesehead!
Anonymous said…
So glad to see you back. Looks like you had tons of fun on the cruise. Jami in IA

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