Blog Header

So somehow my wonderful Blog Header has disappeared :(....Do any of yall have a good person I can hire to redesign it? I want my turtle back!!!!


Peni said…
Becca, this is Patchwork Princess from FS! Remember me? Claudia/ND and I are going to try to meet Aug 3 in Minot somewhere (I live in MD now but will always be a NoDak girl!). Where's good to eat in Minot nowadays? Contact me and maybe all 3 of us can meet!
Claudia said…
I just wrote you a note too.. I see Peni sent you a note too. Yes, we are looking for a good place to meet in Minot..we will be there a short time...couple hours. Hope you can meet up with us too !!! Let me know, Claudia
Heidi Grohs said…
A few of my photos disappeared...check your picasa album and make sure you just didn't accidentally delete it?

As for blog header designs...I know a few ladies who do it!

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