Control Issues and look up ^^^!

Did you notice the new blog header?? HOW CUTE IS THAT!!!! Thank you to one of my Cameo buddies Jennifer Lange for coming to my rescue. You were too sweet and very talented :)......

So it came to my attention today that I have some control issues....I KNOW RIGHT!! Shocking...But there it is... So I ordered flowers for the new baby, cake pops for her older brothers, and champagne for the mom and dad.......Sounds great right?

WELL! Let me tell you it took everything I could do not to jump in my car, drive to TN and smack a few fedex people around!!! ALL of it was to be delivered today. I supplied addresses and cell numbers to it all...I know internet shopping. trust me....

The cake pops were picked up first thing this morning. Ok so far..But then just dropped off at the door in summer heat! DId not call the number to find out they were not home from the hospital yet....On to the flowers...Evidently the address that the cake pops were delivered too was too confusing for the flower delivery person as they wrote down that they could NOT find the address and would reattempt on monday...REALLY???? Monday?????

Do they not know the meaning of a fresh flower delivery is? No phone call yet again...And the champange? well I will tell you tomorrow when I find out. The store better not have messed that one up! I really just shoudl of been there to make sure it was all done right. Its killing me!

On a brighter not LOOK at this boot!! I found it in Medora at a small price of 200$..I so see a challenge here. Dont you?


Claudia said…
What is wrong with " delivery people"..? GRRRRRRR.
Yarni Gras! said…
I can't believe they didn't think about the heat! on to that boot....that IS a challenge to this mosaic happy girl!
Heidi Grohs said…
cuuuuute header!!!!

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