What a Good WIfe

That would be me :)

We are gearing up for a Barbecue cook off and a HUGE grand opening for my husbands company.....
The barbecue cook off is for a neighboring city here...Watford City..Home of the Oil boom and the central location for Atigun, WH's company...Well he doesn't own it.He manages it..He just thinks he owns it :)...

The huge grand opening will be for the new offices and shop that have been under construction for what seems like FOREVER!!!....WH asked for a few things from me...Just a few....4 of these candy bowls and 100 IPhone covers....Yup 100......I have been a busy little wife this last week and its ALL DONE! :)...Yay me.....

These candy bowls btw can be personalized to match whatever you want!


Claudia said…
I heard about these cookoffs on the radio the other day. Have a great weekend.
Pat said…
wishing all of you a successful weekend. When we drove through the Minot- Williston area last week, we were amazed at all the new infrastructure & signs of expansion! So many new things since 2010.

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