Rough Week

I am trying to be better at blogging. :)...Really. This week was a hard one...A lot of personal stuff. Quite a few of you know I lost my dad 3 years ago. Well with that comes the worry of taking care of mom..She is a priority now and some days the worry is a lot...But I have big shoulders and I can take it. She is my mom after all :).... I do have a big announcement though..Something I cant announce for a few more days..At least until after Monday..Its something that is weighing on my mind but also something that will be good for us... So as soon as I can I will let you know....In the meantime a friend sent me this... Oh so very true dont you think? :)..I spent today after running in my quilt studio..Wow I have forgotten how therapeutic that is.I wish that I could get into there more..Its been so cold this year that I havent been able to stay in the basement for very long..The floor is too cold. I am hoping tomorrow after I run to spend a few more hours lost ...