Just a Hypothetical

Where would YOU hide your camera to keep it safe from packing? Maybe in the camera case? What would you do when your children found it and couldnt stop laughing...... I would probably blame wonderful hubby who isnt home to defend himself...Not saying that happened.Just saying.

Now its picture time! See all my new goodies from my buddy Jody! All were in that gorgeous bag that we have been passing back and forth for about 5 years.Ü.Now I get to keep it to give back to her next year since I already gave her this years. I have a terrible time with waiting.

I cant say which is my favorite item! I love the Apronism book. The pinwheel glass coaster I have been drooling over. The fabrics that go with my Faith Hope and Love wallhangings are PERFECT. How about the Sea Turtle Quilt hangers! Oooooh and that hot chocolate! I am so spoiled!! Now for the APRONS! These are the first four that I am giving away this month. I have one more to make and it will be a fancy schmancy one. What do you have to do to be entered you ask? I am glad you asked! The drawings will be randomly through out the month. The first one will be now.To celebrate my FIRST blogaversary and my 21st wedding anniversary I want to hear your favorite anniversary celebration. If you arent married just tell me you favorite night out with friends.

My most favorite anniversary was this one. Wonderful hubby spent this anniversary with family. We always make sure we celebrate with the kids but this time we had everyone we wanted with us family wise. I cant even tell you what that meant. I have missed them all more then I ever realised and this was a first for us. I want many more like it.

So without further ado here are the first four aprons. Sorry for the lousy pics. If I had that new dress mannequin they would be better!


Diana said…
My favorite anniversaries are not the wedding but the day we met. He always sends me flowers or celebrates in some way. He says that day changed his life...ain't he sweet?
Anonymous said…
love the aprons! esp. the retro one. gah. anniversary....well most anniversaries are spent apart (and not just 'cause he's a younger version of clint eastwood's character in "gran torino"). shortly after we married he turned into elmer fudd. our anniversary falls right during hunting season. so i 'spose my favorite is always the NEXT one because that means we made it another year (will be 30 next hunting season)
Anonymous said…
My favorite anniversary... you know.. can I say the first one LOL I don't know that we do anything special.... but I know each day is good. Does that count?

I LOVE the aprons... I really like that last one with the white trim (hint hint hint) LOL Really glad you found the camera... it was the hubby... I just know it LOL

Now where are the faith hope & love wallhangings? Did I miss those? Because that sounds like a good one!!!!!
Jody said…
My favorite anniversaries are the ones when he's home!!
Anonymous said…
Well, I'm not married so I'll let you know about a fun evening that i have with a friend. This friend and I go out for chinese before the monthly guild meeting. We bring all sorts of stuff to look at while eating. We pretty much get the same thing every time we go! it's easier that way and we can spend more time chatting and less time reviewing the menu.

Happy Blog Anniversary!

karen a.
Anonymous said…
Let's see I think I think the 10th and 20th, more because we made those milestones and had friends all around us that were divorcing.

Divorce is not in our vocabulary, well it is but only becuase we were given a gas grill as a wedding present and always said if the grill died, the marriage had to also. Well then, after many new inserts the grill finally gave up at 18 years. We decided it was cheaper to buy a new one...so we did...LOL

Ruthie said…
Oh Gosh, it would have to be our first anniversary. DH planned a long weekend at an Indiana State Park and we took the boat up with us. He spent a lot of time fishing and I read and did hand work on the boat. I did take my Janome Gold machine at his insistence. I guess he knows that if I'm happy, life is good!
Freda said…
I love all the aprons Becca. My favorite is all 39 of them, 40 in August, cause that means we are still together.
Anonymous said…
I love the aprons!

My favorite anniversary was the past two. We spent them in Traverse City. TC in the fall is so pretty. We explored the area, went to the winery's, shopped, dined out, walked the beach & visited with my longtime girlfriend & her husband. This year was our 25th!

Nancy H
Anonymous said…
Hi! Our 15th anniversary was special. I had taken our son and niece on a three week trip. My husband was so lonely. When I returned he presented me with a lovely engagement ring! On our 25th anniversary he purchase the band and wrap that goes with the diamond. I wear it on my right hand. The original gold band that we had a friend design and make, I wear on my left hand where it has been since 1972.
I love your aprons. Please enter me in your drawing. Check out mine (that I own and love, not made) in my webshots. 2008 Quilts Page 2
Tulsi said…
I love all of the different aprons from all of the different blogs. I 've just stumbled across some!!

My favorite Anniversary thus far was Jan. 31, 2007. My husband was home on Leave from Afghanistan. It was our 21st anniversary. We headed south 2 1/2 hours and spent some time in Las Vegas. He booked the room from Afghanistan and they gave him a great deal. We had a few days of being just us before I had to share with the kids.

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