Whats Going On In My House!

It should of said what WENT on in my house! Jer had a ton of work come in so that took our contractors off the house and back to work. While that is a good thing it means nothing was done in the house while we were gone. Frustrating because I came home with a whopping sinus infection. My netti pot broke in the move and I have yet to replace it. So instead of tackling it and getting over it quickly I wound up in the care center yesterday begging for the doctor to just shoot me. For some odd reason they are against that. Instead he gave me a package full of nonsense and home WH took me. So if you are wondering where I have been since I got back that is where. Bed! Today I dont think I want to be shot anymore. Well not much anyways. I do however want to leave. Go somewhere else! I have piles of laundry and a stack of dishes so high you cant believe it! JUST yesterday they hooked up the sink in the mini kitchen so I can atleast get started. It is a mini sink but SO much better then the ba...