Master Bedroom Ü

I thought it was time to share the ONE completed room in our house.Ü

I will start your tour off with my closet. O.k. well I share it with WH......for now anyways.Lol. WH built that shoe rack just for me! Of course they dont all fit, but I found some cool boxes that I can store shoes in on the floor.See thru so I dont have to open the box.Yay!
Yeah its not really clean, sorry. I do however FINALLY have it all hung up in order of color and short sleeve and long sleeve.Lol. My kiddos think I am a little anal.Ü

I did have the bed made but decided I needed a nap and didnt want to mess up the pretty made up bed. Yeah and those are NOT pictures of my family up.Lol. We have family pics scheduled for Feb and I just wanted the frames up.

My zebra chair!!!


Frankly Frankie said…
LOVE IT!!! Wanna come see it in person!
Freda said…
Jan said…
Yea!!! You have a closet!! :-) The whole darn things looks fabulous!!!!
taylorsoutback said…
Wow!!! Girl you have a downright fabulous shoe collection & so neat!!I suppose the rest of us will be heading to our own closets right away. I just can't get over all those shoes little group is pathetic!:o)
Anonymous said…

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