Running Amuck ALL Over The Place!

So this is going to be a VERY busy week.

Last week looked like it was going to end badly but wound up ending well. My WH's 85 year old gma had a heart attack Friday evening. We are very very close to her and it was definitely emotional. We were blessed though that she was in Seattle when it happened. She was rushed into surgery and flew through with great success. It was scarey though.

We also made the decision that we are going to go visit my parents. My daddy( yes I am a daddies girl) has had in the past few years 2 strokes and colon cancer. Within the last few months he has been scaring me badly. Right now I have a feeling that I cant shake. I need to see him. Mom too. So Friday Wh is taking us to see them. We will be gone about two weeks. Since we are going to drive it.

So this week I need to put myself together and get some things done so that we are ready to leave Friday. Not an easy task for me Ü.


Jody said…
Becca--You are doing the right thing--I am so thankful I flew down to AZ to see Dad before he died--- I'm praying you will make MANY trips out to see both of your parents!
Glad to hear Grandma is doing well.
Jan said…
Sending you a hug!! Safe travels!!
Anonymous said…
Tulsi said…
I hope things go well for you! This is tough. My 16 to be year old daughter was just told by her almost to be 16 special friend boy that he has throat and lung cancer. He has surgery on his birthday next week. We don't date until age 16. They have been waiting for their birthdays (2 weeks apart). Kinda scary. I hope you have a good visit.
Taylorsoutback said…
Honor those are so right in making the decision to visit. We had such a wonderful Christmas too & in the back of my mind as I watched my own parents on Christmas Day - we are so blessed they are with us at 91(Dad) & 85(Mom)
Have a safe journey.
Freda said…
Hope everything turns out all right for all your relatives Becca. Have a safe trip.
Moneik said…
Spending time with family is so important and I can understand your need to be with you parents. I'm doing a lot more of that this year too.
Jen Sue Wild said…
Wow you have a lot going on. I am so glad WH Gmom is doing better.
Have a wonderfull trip to see your parents..
Joanie said…
Have a safe trip.

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