I Am Too Old To Learn New Tricks

Bear with me...........For one thing I am sick..Or as it REALLY sounds when I say it Im thick....No voice, sore throat and fever...Its all Skater boys fault. Seriously. That rotten kid......But for ANOTHER thing this ne blog format has confused me beyond reason!........So for now.....

Dont you LOVE my shoes! Wore these to the wedding. Fun fun fun!!!

And I just made these Ts :)....I seriously turned the picture like 3 times but it isnt turning so for now just turn your heads :)........
Tomorrow is a work day. If I am among the living...


Jody said…
I'm thorry you are thick! LOVE the shoes and the T's are adorable!. Hope you feel better tomorrow!
Valerie said…
Sorry your sick too! Love the T's! How did you do the lettering? Is there a Disney trip in your future??!!
Pat said…
Feel better soon, soon, soon! You have my admiration for wearing those shoes. So pretty and such high heels. I would definitely be an accident waiting to happen if I tried walking in them. My feet are no longer young...
Heidi Grohs said…
Love the T's!! I have to do that for my boys! I have done them for friends, but hadn't thought to do big bro, etc!!!

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