
I have been fairly quiet lately I know. Life has just gone full speed since we have come home. Most days I feel like I am not keeping up. This is not a complaint mind you. I dont mind. It keeps me busy and the winter goes faster.Ü

We are ordering our kitchen cabinets tomorrow. They should take 3-4 weeks to come in. In the meantime I have convinced WH to take another much needed break! Not only are we running out of funds to keep the workers going but I am ready for some privacy for awhile. So for the next three weeks I am going to clean clean clean. All we have left will be the counter tops, appliances, the 3 bathrooms, and all the little stuff that has been overlooked. That little stuff list is huge mind you!

I need to get my sewing and quilting Mojo back. First though I NEED your opinion/help....I was at the hairdressers the other day and she asked what I did for a living. Dont you love that question? I of course answered I am a long arm quilter. After I explained what I did and what that meant, she says oh you sew! Well, yes I do that too. Ü. I truly do LOVE talking about what I do so this is not a problem. Then she says are you looking for work? DUH (I siad that part in my brain).

She hands me this phone number for a company about an hour away from here. What they do is sell clothing on the internet. They are always back ordered and are begging for seamstresses. They give you the fabric and pattern and you make the item for them. I can work from home and mail back and forth to them.

Now I quit being a seamstress because I couldnt take working with the people anymore. I know that sounds bad but honestly I either got a butt load of nut jobs or everyone really WAS a size 6 no matter what the measurements said. This though is got me befuddled.

First off I dont really know if I will get the job. I havent called yet since I am still pondering. Have any of you had experience with this sort of thing? Do you have any opinions on this? I sure would love to contribute something right now........


Frankly Frankie said…
hmmmm....what to say to be uplifting and supportive....hell I am not a bra....I say toss a coin...cuz it will let you know your hearts desire. Works for me!!! your WH makes a good living for you both....but extra money is nice too....I am getting OLD and taking the road of least resistance these days.
hahahahah OMG! I definitely have NEVER thought of you as a bra! hahahaha.
Tulsi said…
It makes me nervous to sew for others.
Vicki W said…
Personally, I can't imagine anything more boring than contract sewing. I'm betting that they will not pay enough to be worth it to eat into your personal sewing time.....but that's just my opinion.
taylorsoutback said…
I kind of agree with the other comments...wouldn't you do just as well, if not better by expanding the long arm quilting aspect? Here in North Central Wisconsin, all our LAQuilters are in great demand & many backlogged. Wish you were closer - we could flat send lots of quilts your way!
Yarni Gras! said…
I don't like sewing for others either....too much pressure! LOL!

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