
Showing posts from May, 2010

Disney World Day 1!

I have decided that I am going to retire to Disney World! I am SO totally serious!!! I am a DW junkie and i did not get enough this trip! We started off our day pretty early. It could of been worse though. Our 4th mouskateer had to start out at 3 a.m. Her hubby works for an airline so she gets free tickets as long as she flies stand by. I think I liked my under a hundred doller cheapo be to the airport by 8 tickets! Once in Florida we had to find our Magic Bus. It was magic too. It took us to a wonderful place Ɯ See How happy it makes us? Our Hotel for the next few days. I would give this place a thumbs up. Where do you go first thing after checking in? Downtown Disney to the Rainforest Cafe of course! Its a long standing tradition for our family when we go to the Rainforest Cafe to share this desert. So we definitely HAD to keep tradition going. Then we had to go shopping! Here is my poor sleep deprived friend in her alter ego Biker Big hair! (We lovingly call her big hair.I dont thi...

Baby Shower Success

Now that I am back from Disney World I can update my blog! The baby shower was wonderful. The new mom and dad were very very happy and received a ton of wonderful goodies to help them out. At one point we know there were over 80 people here. The weather was perfect and we fired up the barbecue and margarita machine! I ran out of time so WH helped me decorate cookies! I thought he did a wonderful job Ɯ Uncle was very pleased with his surprise. He carried it around all night.It was a hit. Although we may need to remind him the bib is for his niece! He kinda liked it.Lol One of the guests brought this. its a little flower bot painted pink. On top is a styrofoam ball also painted pink. Add a beautiful ribbon and Walah and beautiful lollipop holder. I WILL be stealing this idea! We put surprises in the punch.Lol The very next morning my girls and I took off for Florida! I cant wait to share pictures. Now though I need to get out of bed and accomplish....something....not sure what...but s...

Baby Shower Bliss Part Three or

I AM SO EXHAUSTED I could just colapse!..Its a happy tired though. It was almost 80 here today.( Iam NOT trying to rub it in Jody!) So I fired up Jimmy ( think margarittaville) and started baking cookies. I actually tried this yesterday with no success. WH and I figured out my cookie deficiancy though. I dont have the patience. Cookies need patience. So I woke up today and decided to give it another shot! After all I have these cute cookie cutters I need to use. 6 batches later I have 4 ready to frost and I am calling it good! In the meantime these whirling dirvishes whipped into my house and when they left my house was all girly decorated! Amazing these friends of mine are! Pictures tomorrow. TOnight I am putting my feet up, enjoying a refreshing drink, and then going to sleep..... Have I ever mentioned how much I love parties? Ɯ

Baby Shower Bliss Part Two!

Before I go any further into Baby Shower Bliss...Does ANYONE know where YAYA is? Did any of you read YAYAs blog? She has disapearred and I have to say I am a little worried. I dont need details.Just yeah she is ok.That would work for me. I MISS you and your wonderful blog Yaya! OK now, Day 2! Today my list included perfecting mini carmel apples! This was actually quite a day in experimenting. It started with a trip to Wally world. I was on the search for sucker sticks...check.Apples....check.....sprinkles and nuts....check. Carmels.............................No carmels. I politely ask a sales lady.In which I get this response....Oh wait make sure you picture woman my age trying to look like she is 18. Wearing WAY to much make up, very tight clothing,overly bleached hair, and a wad of gum a ball player would be proud of......Yeah...o.k. she says " you want what? right.You DO know this is the wrong time of year for that.Thats a fall thing.Obviously if you didnt see them where you l...

Baby Shower Bliss

Is there anything better then planning a party? Seriously? I am enjoying this more then I can say. So much that I want to tackle the next pregnant person and beg her to let me give her shower...... Well maybe NOT physically tackle! Thank you M&S for the honor of lettin gme do this!

Remember When

I did tnis post on Laundry Detergent ? Well If you dont I will quickly recap. I decided to try my hand at making our own laundry detergent. I thought it was time to give yall a run down on what my family thinks of this laundry detergent. First off I made the detergent and wrote the post in October of last year. I do on an average of 2 loads a day. It is now May and I am just now running out! For that it gets an A+. I really cannot honestly say it was better or worse as far as getting clothing cleaner. I have never had a problem with detergents not working. So for this it also gets an A+. As far as smell and leaving the clothing with a fresh smell I will just repeat what Oldest daughter said, "It rocks". So it gets an A+ for that too! So I guess I am telling you the bottom line is that when I run out this next week I WILL be remaking this wonderful detergent.Money saver for sure!

I Love My Crazy Busy Life!

Spur of the moment road trips! Great shopping experiences.. A very favorite store.. A couple fun ones to give us a laugh. Seeing some wild things inside a mall! A beautiful wedding... Some wonderful visits. Throw in a little Rock Band And you have an AMAZING weekend! Friends I had never met and WH has known since childhood. Now I feel like they are family. I love the ability to just pick up and go! Crazy week ahead. Baby shower on Sunday and then back to MN on Monday. Tuesday its Disney World!