Getting My Groove Back

Why does it take so long to get it back? If I go anywhere it takes me about a week to get back going. I forced myself today though to go down to the quilt studio.Then I didnt want to leave! Go figure. I am on a time crunch now though. Baby shower is in 3 weeks and I havent even started the quilt! I have a list of other things to get done too.Ugh.

Not to mention I have an anniversary gift to get made this week. I have until Friday when they come over for dinner.Hehehehe. Nothing like a deadline. I am thinking I am going to make my friend a purse. Any easy peasy pattern ideas would be much appreciated.

I took a TON of photos to share including my Cheer up swap goodies. But I cant find my uploader. I am sure its where I last put it but who can know where that it.........

SInce I cant leave without posting a picture though I thought I would update you on my little man.I love it when his mommy sends me new pics. He haas learned how to use his dump truck as a wheel chair :)..I love this kid.


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