My Prize

I have really been giving it some thought.What can I treat myself to that I would REALLY work hard to finish my UFOs for. I have come up with a few ideas but it will take some saving. I also dont know whether its worth putting the money into Gracie for. Maybe it would be better to just upgrade the head???? Here are my ideas.

Small Prize:
1.Saddle Chair
2. Edgerider wheels

Medium/Big Prize
1.Hydraulic Lifts

Large Prize
1. Stitch Regulator

The last one is the one I really really want BUT it is also my biggest hang up. When I first looked into this the only way it could be done was by shipping Gracie to Gammill headquarters. So that takes a $3500 uprade and you can add another $1000. I heard a rumor though that now a few authorised dealers are doing it now too.So I need to find that out.Maybe it would not be as much as before. BUT (there is that but again) maybe it wouldn't be worth it? Maybe I should just look into upgrading Gracie?? I am going to have to discuss this with Ron Paul when he visits this next week to give Gracie her check up.

The Hydraulic lifts are honestly more feasible for me. Not as much to save for and I defintely know would help the wear and tear on my body. I also have been told that its an easy upgrade that we (ahem hubby) could do.

The two smaller prizes I think will probably be earned anyways.Ü.Ugh I hate having these things floating around in my head.... I also know that If I manage to save the money for the stitch regulator I am going to sit and look at the amount and talk myself out of it. For the same amount my hubby and I could escape winter here for a few day.hmmmmmmmmmmm


Freda said…
They all sound great Becca. What ever you decide remember "you are worth it."

PS I don't see pizza in there anywhere.
Anonymous said…
hydraulic lifts are worth every penny ;-) But whatever you go with you are worth it and more!!
oh my gosh Freda you are right I forgot the pizza! I will have that with all the prizes!

You gals are to sweet. I am pretty sure I am going to go for the hydraulic lift. It seems to be more realistic for me.
Diana said…
Check with Linda Steller if you decide to go with the hydraulic lift. She found a place that has them for a lot less than the dealers do.
Anonymous said…
Becca! I didn't know you didn't have a stitch regulator. I can see your dilemma.......I don't have hydralics so can't comment there, but I have edgeriders and love 'em!

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