She who runs with scissors experiences shear bliss

is done!

Today was a good day for sewing. It rained outside all day and just felt like a sewing day. So instead of working on what I should have (customer quilts), I worked on what I wanted to. I got the binding sewn on by machine to Astrids Bad Hare Day, and almost have the baby boy quilt top done. I also made another 1/2 dozen burp rags.

We have finished the canning for the moment as we ran out of fish! Horrors of all horrors. No King was brought home yesterday by my house but we still did get to eat fresh King last night as someone shared a fillet. YUM! That whole tired of eating fish thing. I am over it. I want more King! I dont know this little guy who caught it but he was only 9 years old and was fishing with a friend of ours. Sweet little guy to share. Must be hid proud dad. Our friend is in the green jacket.

They also got to watch this young moose cross the river. Scott (our friend) said it was quite a chore as the mooses picked the roughest part to cross.
I never get tired of watching moose. Ooh I almost forgot to add what I am adding to my WIP list since I finished one. I am adding Turtle Beach. I started this about 9 years ago.Seriously! I started buying Hawaiian fabric every time we went to Hawaii. I didnt know what I was going to do with it but I knew it would be something special. About 3 years ago my MIL brought me home a picture of a quilt she saw hanging in a window in Hawaii. She thought it looked like me. I did fall in love with it. So I kind of redesigned it and came up with my better version. I work on it in fits but I really have decided I want it done. Here is what I have so far.
I actually didnt name it until today. Watching the news this morning there was a segment on a turtle that was killed on a beach in Hawaii. The beach's name is Turtle Beach. This beautiful female turtle that was always on the beach was killed. Many locals and tourists made a memorial to her. Today a male turtle who is also always on that beach made its way to shore and went to the memorial for his friend. He stayed their most of the day right there by his friends memorial before he went back into the ocean. It was so sad and so beautiful. So now I really want my quilt finished. Maybe someday I will get to see this beautiful beach where the sea turtles go.


Freda said…
Wow, that is some fish. Almost as big as the one who caught it. The turtle story is sad Becca but your quilt will be gorgeous. Have a great day.
Vicki W said…
Runs With Scissors is great! You did have a great sewing day - we all need more of those!
Anonymous said…
I love the quilt and the title of she who runs!!! Great job!! It sounds like you had a really fun day!! Go Becca!!!
Well its raining agin Ü. I need to atleast do one customer quilt but then I am going to play.
nettie said…
Hi Becca! I love your quilts - they're gorgeous. And I'd love to play Pay It Forward with you. I'll email you the details.

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