Question for you......

I have now killed about the gazillionth camera. SO I am going to have to purchase another. I do not understand camera websites and have been stalking them all tonight. So before I go to town tomorrow do any of you have a good recommendation for a good point and shoot?


Maria Elkins said…
How are you killing your cameras? My sweet daughter dropped hers in a stream while taking pictures. I bought her a water-resistant, shock resistant camera. It can be dropped from 5 ft high onto concrete and not be damaged. Do a Google search -- there are lots of options available. She had it until she lost it a couple months ago. Guess I'll need to find one with a tracking device next!
Jan said…
I kept going thru cameras because I wasn't happy with them... not really breaking.. but I would see higher pixel blah blah blah, but the Nikon Cool Pix I bought like 2 years ago now I have been EXTREMELY happy with and haven't even desired to shop... and it's small enough to fit in coat or purse pocket.... costco was a good deal at the time....
Pat said…
Good morning Becca - you will probably get a gazillion you have a Sam's Club in your area? Ours has a nice range of camera styles and prices all lined up to examine. Best Buy also does the same thing. Our son, a professional photographer has always favored Canon products and the 2 camera he has given me are both Canon. I am using a Canon Power Shot G9 right now - it is a couple of years computers, obsolete as soon as you walk out the door. I agree with the others - compact and fitting into a purse is key. Happy Hunting!
Pat said…
Hi! I just purchased my 2nd Sony Cyber-shot camera this summer - Model DSC-350. My other one was 5 years old and still works but this new one is small enough to carry in my purse, point-and-click and takes such good pictures that I almost never use photo editing to make them look better. And the price was right. Good luck in your search.

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