Just Smile :)
Now that it is warming up outside I can look at this from last week and not want to scream. We got a total of 13 inches. I am a bad mommy. I just had to make her wait until I could get a picture.Lol
Oh yeah! There was some fiber therapy going on too! Remember Crush? Well He is done! He is huge, but he is done. Wow I really cant believe how big he is.
The Rock The Cradle baby shower was this weekend too. I was a wonderful wonderful party. I will have pictures of that and more of my stash quilts soon :)
Today since I was needing a "spring break" I decided to start my tomato's and Cucumbers. I cant wait to put them in the ground! I still cant believe I and looking forward to gardening. That is not like me!
My favorite book at the moment. Its really better then my gardening for dummies book. More tailored for ND. Breaks down what to do month by month and what to start indoors. I am a little behind since I forgot that I had it!Oh yeah! There was some fiber therapy going on too! Remember Crush? Well He is done! He is huge, but he is done. Wow I really cant believe how big he is.
The Rock The Cradle baby shower was this weekend too. I was a wonderful wonderful party. I will have pictures of that and more of my stash quilts soon :)
Jan she thought she was miserable but she was soon snuggled and dried right off.Lol