What a day

I spent the morning picking out new curriculum for homeschool next year. I am exhausted but happy with my choices. Lets hope the kiddos will be happy with them too! We are going to try Oak Meadows for Astrid who will be in the third grade.Their philosophy really sounded good to me and the subjects look like they will be really interesting to her and fun for me to teach. Definitely more hands on.Jerrod is taking a bunch of different things but I am most excited about his math program.Its by teaching textbooks and has dvd lectures and problem solving for every lesson and problem in the book! YES!

I have to try this video upload.Jerrod has been working so hard on the piano and in videoing it so he can send it to his grandma.He still needs to work on a few notes and iron out some kinks in the video but its pretty good.Im really proud of him.He's played and taken lessons since he was 5.It seems we are past the difficult stage and too the point that the songs have begun to be fun to listen too. Lets hope Astrid doesnt take as long!


Anonymous said…
what a great video to start my day with! thanks for sharing. :)
your welcome thatnks for the nice comment.Ü
Gayle said…
I have my Mom's beautiful piano that needs to be played. (I dont know how, would love to learn) So would Jerrod like to come play it? Great job! What is the name of the piece?

Hi Gayle, Jerrod wouldlove that.He plays on every piano he sees.Ü The piece is call Pictures of you. Im not sure who it is by its one of his favorite songs.
He's doing great! I was just considering getting rid of our upright & now I have to rethink it. :)

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