Monday Musings

Just another manic Monday......Belinda Carlyle is running through my brain this morning.
My computer has finally returned to its semi normal state. Its never been completely normal but thats ok, normal wouldnt fit into this house. I havent posted pictures in awhile as I didnt have my camera. I have it back now so I get to share some!

Isn't this about the cutest thing you have ever seen?? This is one of my little guys.I call them my "I'm too young to be a grandparent granchildren". I borrow him and his little brother once a week. My little Trev is 4 and has been taking violin lessons for a year. Its a class at his Montessori school. He LOVES it. This is his second violin. It is about 16 inches long.If you can belive it his first was smaller!
This is a sock I am attempting to knit. I am pretty sure its going to be an only sock. Somehow I have managed to screw up the heel and cant figure out what I have done. I really really want to learn how to knit socks and thought reading the directions wouldnt be too hard. HA! I need to find a class or atleast someone to point me back in the right direction with the poor thing.
Last but not least is my first postcard! I didnt make this one.It was made by Shirley B. (not sure if she would want her last name posted) I joined a post card swap and the theme was birthstone. I just finished mine last night and will post a picture of them after they are mailed. What fun! I will be doing this again for sure.


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