
I am watching Olympic coverage on NBC and just am amazed at the amount of calories Michael Phelps takes in! Just incredible. The bad thing is all of a sudden I get the worst craving for a pickle.Of course we are completely out of them.How frustrating is that! So I threw some vinegar on some canned beets and am trying to trick myself........Its not working.I still want a pickle.

Have any of you found yourself watching sports on the Olympics you would never normally watch? Did you watch that guy from Togo win yesterday the very first medal for Togo ever? His face made me want to cry. Did you watch the poor weight lifter who's arm was completely torn out of it's socket? Dont if you havent seen it I am still sick...How about that poor water polo lady as she get hit in the face and her nose is broken? Wow. Tough lady is all I can say. I seem to have become obsessed no matter what the sport. My kids made me finally turn it yesterday during the mens water polo. I think it is just seeing the determination on each face. I truly love seeing the underdog no matter what country come out a winner. Who could resist that little girl from China's smile after she knew she had nailed her floor excercise. Beautiful.

On another note I finished the swing skirt. I then promptly threw it away so no picture. I did make myself finish it so I could count it. I hope Jerikah does not ask where it is. It turned out horrible.The hidden zipper looked like I had never sewn a zipper in my life.I ripped it out and redid it.That just created a worse stretched out mess. So I still made myself hem it thinking maybe a hem would make it all wonderful. Right.....

All right I am finished with my beets.Still not satisfied but I think I had better get something else done.I am on a mission today to get the binding machine sewn onto the baby girl quilt so that I can hand bind during the Olympics tonight. Maybe I can talk huby into buying me a jar of pickles.........


Anonymous said…
I haven't been watching the olympics.. but don't you hate those food cravings!! I read somewhere this year that dehydrating cucumbers and sprinkle dill, garlic & salt on them before you dehydrate taste like pickle chips... haven't tried it, but it sounds good!! Do you think if you wash the skirt it would help???
Hmmm I may have to try that with cucumbers! I still want a pickle.Ugh...Too late for the skirt I was so mad I took it to the dumpster and I just cant make myself retrieve it.Ü
Freda said…
Becca, maybe hubby knows something you don't know, burp rags and pickles? Just kidding. Sorry the skirt didn't turn out but at least it is done.
I spit soda all over the place when I read that Freda! Lol... He had better not know something!
The Broken Man said…
I watched the cycling time trials for the first time. Don't think I would do it again!

The Broken man
Gina said…
funny, i now want pickles...hmmmm... bread n butter pickles! thanks pal....lol
I am also enjoying the olympics.. just hanging out now awaiting swimmers at 10 woohoo! I like the beach volleyball too... oh.. and yes, the weighlifter was brutal to watch!
Irene said…
Did you get your shoes yet? Hope you like them.
oooooh Sorry Gina! I STILL dont have my pickles though.Ugh. Wasnt last nights Swimming so exciting! I couldnt take my eyes off the screne.

Irene I did get my shoes and I Loooooooove them!

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