True Talent

Can you touch your tongue to your elbow? (Thanks Jan you reminded me of this funny day with my kids!) Amazing what entertains us!

Our friend Ashley couldnt do it.Jerikah Couldnt do it.Yay Jerrod can do it! I can not even imagine what people around them thought! Lol.


Becky said…
Oh my gosh, those are very funny pictures. Now I know how crazy I looked when I tried to do it. thanks for sharing.
Anonymous said…
ROTFL I am so glad you have pictures of that moment!!!! Now I know what to do for live entertainment around here next time I'm bored ;-)
Freda said…
F-u-n-n-y, Becca. I wonder what the neighbors thought too?
Ü We seem to always get strange looks from people wherever we go.Lol. I guess looking at it from a bystanders perspective we might be a little unusual? IDK!Hehehehe

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