What to do Wed.

Well Tuesday was a wash. I got up with all intentions toward my super Tuesday cleaning. Opened my email then decided to go back to bed. Thats where Tuesday ended for me. Hubby made me soup when he came home and that did help. My kids were scared to look at me this morning when I got up. Everytime they checked on me yesterday I told them that if they loved me they would put me out of my misery.
So I am better enough to get out of bed and besides laundry and starting the two youngest on school I need to accomplish something. hmm I still havent cleaned the 5th wheel but lets just leave that off the list.Its not going anywhere.Ü.I think I will just play around in the sewing room see what trouble I can stir up.Lol
I did move the turtle again. Although I dont have a finished picture yet. I finished a small wall hanging.I will get a pic of it tomorrow and post.But I am moving the turtle today. I also need to get moving on the baby boy quilt. The baby shower is later this month and I need to send it out. I dont think I am going to work this week either. I have customers coming tomorrow to drop off but thats not a biggie. Boy what a boring post this is today!


Anonymous said…
LOL Fear factor Becca style?! :-D Glad you felt good enough to get up today!! Let them clean the 5th wheeler if it absolutely has to get done... other wise... maybe you just stumbled on how to keep it in your drive :-D
oooooh you are so right Jan! I may never clean it!Ü
Freda said…
Glad you are feeling some better Becca.

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