I did today. Then just as I was about to scream I found this. It has ALWAYS made me laugh.I had forgotten I had it though.So today it was just like a present.Ü Oldest daughter has been confined to the house with what her doctor tells us is a very contagious viral infection. Personally I think her doctor is smoking some funny stuff. Her blood tests were normal and she has been battling bad tonsils for a month.Hmmmm. I dont think it takes rocket science when that is ALL she went in there for but evidently it does. More tests have been ordered and she is confined until monday. Can you say lets drive mom crazy? Then I found out a king size ALL feathered quilt that I mailed to a friend as a belated (like 20 years late)wedding, anniversary,housewarming(twice),congratulations on your 4 kids, yeah dont hate me because I am a horrible friend quilt NEVER showed up in the mail! I cannot find (big shocker there huh)the tracking slip. I did have it at one time in my hot little hands. So I know it w...
Call me if you have cleaning questions!
Stopping by from SITS!
By the way, what is your dream mobile? ;-)