I bought this

Box of cereal to try and give this diet a shot. I opened it up today to try it. Before I knew it this was me!Somehow I dont think that you are supposed to finish off the box on the first day. Maybe the more you eat of it the more you will loose? Maybe????
It was pretty dang good but now I have guilt. For guilt I should of had a martini!



Vicki W said…
I would have poured the martini on the cereal before the second bowl!
Jan said…
I would have left the box in the store and had the martini. Heck I may go have the martini on your behalf right now!
Anonymous said…
I'm gonna go with the more you eat the more you loose. Yeah.. that's it! :)
Anonymous said…
omgosh, too funny. quick! go have that martini while you still have the "guilts"!
kel said…
I would eat the whole box too!!
Hit 40 said…
Wow! Yummy cereal. My kid tried to eat the whole box of coco puffs. I would have let him. But, he doesn't always hold it down. YUCK!!
Freda said…
Please tell me how much you have lost so I can try this diet!
I have tried to eat that cereal for a few days according to their diet. It is very yummy, but I'm not sure it works. I didn't lose any weight in a week. So, you don't have to feel guilty. You wouldn't have lost anything any way! LOL!
Unknown said…
Hmmmm. I think you'll lose more with the martini. They're clear.......and clear foods don't have any calories, right? I mean...think about it...they're CLEAR. What can possibly be in there to be counted? I haven't checked recently but I'm just guessing crystal-clear martini's are on the list of "have as much as you want" on the Weight Watchers food plan. So which would you rather have, a martini glass full of mustard ( another unlimited consumption allowed food)...or a martini?????? Cheers to ya, girl!!!!
Unknown said…
Stopping by from SITS... This was such a cute post!
Crazee Juls said…
My hubs always asks him to get "diet" cereal...and then will eat like 3 bowls in one sitting. He figures that because it's "diet"...he's just getting more of the good stuff that will make him lose weight. He's a hoot.
Your blog is so fun & cute.. the color scheme is awesome. Turtles are so cute too! Have a great day!!
AP Mommy said…
Haha i've totally done that... with a bag of dorritos... oopsie!

Hi from SITS
Custard Shoppe said…
HA! Love this post.. Most of it is all air in the bag though right? Ha!

thanks for visiting us!
apparentlyjessy said…
hehe, I love special K too, it is so tasty its hard to stop at one bowl!

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