Is it normal

to dream about martinis? I have been dieting so long that I am now.Dreaming of them that is. So far i have only lost like 2 pounds. Is that really worth it? Argh. I have to loose a few more because i am not going to be able to pull off sweats in 90 degree weather. Besides the fact that Wonderful Hubby doesnt belive they should ever ever be worn in public. He is a clothing snob. I wont even tell you what he says about tube tops.Lol
So I know the realtor came today as she left a card on the counter. Thats all I know though. Our realtor did call to say she is getting requests for certain pictures so she is going to come back and take more.I know I know it all takes time. You see that doesnt help me. My mother said from the time I was born I was the most impatient person she has ever seen. When I make a decision I see no reason to wait. Just get it done and rip that band aid off!. Yeah its gotten me really far in life. I need to learn how to relax.Lol.


Jan said…
LOL Have a martini and quilt more with Gracie to work it off ;-) Pictures? They are taking pictures? That I truly have not heard of. I hope it means they are truly serious and it's gone by the weekend!
Anonymous said…
Girl is it bad that I smell drinks because I can't have them ?? (diabeties) I miss a good drink.. hmmm

Good luck with the house.. Sending positive vibes your way~!

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