I couldnt help it

I NEED to buy this movie for the travel trailer.Funny thing is we may not be vacationing BUT we are taking Great GMa!Lol.Altho Jers GMa is the bestest and I am hoping she will wind up staying with us in ND.85 years old and the womans a spit fire.
We had a showing tonight and we have another one on Tuesday.Both were requests to see our house.I feel like its a set up.Now I am just waiting to hear all the negative feedback.Have I mentioned that I absolutely HATE waiting, and as I have been told I am not very good at it either.
So I am still ripping on the customer quilt. Not upset anymore just blah about it. So besides cleaning today I did work some more on fun stuff. I cant pack anymore or else we wont have anything left in the house to last through the week.I should be binding but since Im not Yaahoooooo more play time for me.


Jan said…
ROTFLOL You need that movie!!!!! Now I'm doing the gopher caddy shack relocation dance for you to the vacation theme song!!
mommytoalot said…
OMG this is one of my all time faves!!!
thanks for you kind comments on my blog.
MsTypo said…
Hi, visiting from SITS! :)

I love that movie! National Lampoon can do no wrong in my eyes. :p

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