Fiber Content and Vocanos

We have FIBER! In ALL the bedrooms, in the hallway, and on the stairs! I have been without internet for almost 4 days as we were all crammed inot one room but it was worth it!

Mount Redoubt blew its top about 5 times last night. It doesnt look like the ash is headed our direction but for some reason we were without power for about 2 hours this a.m. I was so excited to get my computer back up and running today and check in with everone. It was so irritating to find I still couldnt! Argh. Now I have to get busy as we have our realtor coming on Wed.I WILL make time this afternoon to make my rounds though.heheheheh.

I MISSED yall!



Anonymous said…
Oh thank goodness! I was going to send out the search moose ;-) Glad things are working out!!
Freda said…
Glad your back and the carpet looks great. Hope the volcano ash stays away from you.
Unknown said…
I know this is a bit of a stretch on the truth but I think it's so cool to say to people I know, "Yeah, I haven't heard from my friend Becca in a couple of days but there's a volcano erupting near her place so yknow, I'm sure she's been pretty busy....."

Carpet looks smoooshy lovely!!!!
Bethany said…
Stopping by from SITS to say hi-- hope the volcano stays away!!
Anonymous said…
Did you call me? My connection was so rotten all I could hear was a faint voice. I am happy for you they put your carpet it :) I am coming back to see it in person :) I owe you a little sumpin hahaha Love you for all you do :) see ya soon
Stopping by from SITS!!! Glad to have you back and connected to the internet world!! :)
Jen Sue Wild said…
Wow thats too bad about the power.
I am glad it is up!!

The carpet looks yummy soft!!

Lets pray that we are both ash free this time around. I don't want to deal with this while my DH is deployed.

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