Apron Question and Stuff.........

FIRST the apron question...

To be entered to win Apron 3 of my 5 apron giveaway just leave a comment with your answer!
This one is a biggie so think hard!

What are YOU working on this weekend?

Yeah I know..... I am having a brain block. Had all sorts of interesting questions and now cant think of a one. So I this weekend am STILL playing holly homemaker and cathy catchup. Holly is busy in the house and then Cathy runs out to the studio every once in awhile. I would LOVE to sew but I doubt it will happen this week. Our first realtor is coming through on Monday.

I did have a funny this week though. I had a customer drop off a quilt and wanted something a little special on it. They wanted the quilt to remind them of their dad. hehehe.Ok not a problem what reminds you of your dad.Well they answer he was a wheat and corn farmer. uh ok well what else. Well they answer a grain silo.HAHAHAHAHAHA. Let me tell you. Corn and wheat are very hard to mimic for a quilt but a grain silo! I tried I really tried but then had to call them tonight and tell them EVERYTHING I came up with came out quite x-rated! A grain silo is not easy to draw when you cant draw details. They ALL come out looking like well that!
So we are going with sunflowers.Lol. Hahahahaha

Sad thing this week. We are painting. Its sad because we are starting with Astrids Room. Her room was specially painted just for her. I stenciled a white picket fence all around her room and when she was adopted we all signed the fence. She also has these really cool butterflys all over. Sigh. I will get pictures of the before and after. But right now I think I will go get a beer. Or cry.


Jennwith4 said…
I'm working on keeping my house in order for the new baby's arrival. lol I just finished my first quilt top and am waiting for a skirt pattern to arrive in the mail so no sewing until that happens.
Anonymous said…
I completely understand!!! The princess's room is painted as the inside of a castle with stone work around the windows, ivy, a few extra windows,blue birds of happiness, a mouse hole LOL I refuse to paint over it.

This weekend I am working on being a mom. That's it. I am hoping to doodle on some background fill ideas for one of my projects. But that's it... well... and selling my house LOL

Good luck Monday! I obviously was confused thinking yesterday was the big day!! :-D Don't go drawing any more uhm... silos... yeah... LOL
Anonymous said…
i'm doing a little personal piecing, a little customer work, valentine visiting with the grands and sunday dinner with a visiting niece and her son. fine....i'll do some laundry (it's not quite piled up to my butt yet)
Carlotta said…
Oh no don't cry. Just remember all the good times you had in that room, and start thinking of the design for her next room, and the memories you're going to create there. This weekend I'll be playing catch up, if my sewing knee acts right.
Freda said…
WAAAA, WAAAA, WAAAA, no quilty stuff. I will be working at the urgent care clinic.
Leah Spencer said…
I'm working on my self-cut charm quilt. It grew a little bigger than I expected (from comfortable lap size to overlarge queen). I wish myself the best of luck to getting it quilted... 7.75" throat space. *twitch twitch*
Jody said…
Silos?!?! Pat gave me today off, so I'm heading for the studio to cut and piece ANOTHER shop sample---using very cute new fabric we just got in. Are you curious???
Sorry about Astrid's room. but I have a great suggestion---just STAY!!!!
Carolyn G said…
I just started kinitting, if you can call it that. So I am working on a scarf, the easiest thing I can possibly do and not screw it up too bad.
DabookLady said…
Well I am working on my certified Crochet program making swatches for the lessons, for fun I am going out to a short dinner with my DH for Valentine's Day in the next hour, and then coming back to watch the tube and crochet a little finishing my penquin dish cloth, and I also have an old WIP that I am trying to finish which is a tote bag with animal beads in Egyption cotton...I know I always do too much at one time.. anyways...thats my answer and I'm stitcking to it! :)
Unknown said…
I am working on my toy society dolly to be giving away. Its my first doll and she is lacking in skill badly ...but I am sure she will be loved anyway :)
Becs said…
I am supposed to be working on my "green" shopping (or whatever you want to use it for) bags. But somehow I have been sucked into the internet vortex and found myself in a wonderful world of APRONS! How fun and exciting!
Kristina said…
Just found your blog! Love the princess room by the way!
Hmm.. what am I working on this week?
Well, I have a wall quilt to finish, a house to organize, cupcakes to make, and oh yea! A daughter to potty train! Hmm... this is not going to be a fun week. :)

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