Just Got A Phone Call

From some friends that are on a cruise to the carribean. They just married off their youngest and have never had a honeymoon so this is it for them. The wife,one of my closest bff's decided to surprise honey with a little something in the suitcase. This little something is so unlike her she is not the wild woman type.

So they get on the cruise ship and she is called to the security office. They make her go through her suitcases and finally she finds that little something and they make her turn it over to them! Purple furry handcuffs! Can you imagine how embarassing that would be! My poor bff.lol.


Anonymous said…
Unknown said…
Ohhh wow, now I feel SO much better. I got called to the security office on my cruise, too. They made me open my suitcase and turn over my nice, big contraband bottle of Bailey's. Ok, sooo yeah.....I knew I wasn't supposed to bring it on board. But where in the brochure does it say you can't bring furry purple handcuffs on board???? L O L that is priceless!!!!
tami said…
He he he. And now you have told everyone in blogland. :D
Carlotta said…
LOL, oh no! They ruined the surprise, and embarrassed her at the same time.

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