Pretty Pretty Things

First off I want to say a HUGE Thank you to my Secret Stitcher from MQR. Karen A you blew me away with this box! I am feeling like the biggest spoiled brat! MQR site isnt loading for me so I havent been able to get on there and say thank you. I absolutely LOVE everything. The apron fits perfectly and the nosegay is so adorable! The kits are perfect size for an instant gratification project and the apron pattern is totally on my list to make! Did I mention that I love the apron? THANK THANK THANK YOU!!!!!!!
Now CHECK out these shoes! I was a bad girl today. I wnet shopping with a very very dear friend who was only here for a couple days. Knowing I would have to say goodbye is depressing. So I bought myself shoes.hmmmmmmmmmmm. The fact that wonderful hubby was laughing at the two large boxes packed full of shoes at the top of the closet last night is a moot point. A girl needs her shoes.Ü

These have zippers!


Jody said…
Love the boots!! And they ARE my size! And the apron is to die for.
Unknown said…
Ohhhhh lady, those are super-hot shoes and boots. I see some happy feet dancing in Alaska!!!
Anonymous said…
I say this with love.... I want to be you today!!! :-D I obviously need to have someone teach me to shoe shop! Those are marvelous!! And the gift box?! Fabulous!!!!! Enjoy every moment!! :-D
Freda said…
I absolutely love the new boots and shoes. Enjoy being spoiled, you deserve it.

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