How Cool Is My Kid!

What does the GREATEST oldest daughter in the world bring her mom back from Cali? Nora & Nick Sock Monkey PJs!!!! Yes We are still living out of boxes.I am hoping yall focus only on the jammies. Well dont focus on what is in them either.Lol
Just how CUTE are these! This weekend I get the added pleasure of moving into my closet! It will be done tonight. Now THAT is better then a door even.Ü


Frankly Frankie said…
I wanna pair of those PJ's.....OLDEST DAUGHTER PLEASE
Jan said…
Sara said…
OUTSTANDING. Your daughter is pretty darn cool.

My college roommate had footie pajamas and wore them all the time. I always laughed when she wore them, but secretly was so jealous... and I will never, ever tell her that.
Trendspotter said…
Those are pretty awesome! Wish I had discovered them before I wrote my post on Pretty Pajamas earlier this week.
Phoo-D said…
Those are adorable! I love the monkey feet! =)
Megan said…
they are very extra cool pyjammies! lucky you having such a great oldest daughter!

i received my alphabet swap package in the mail today! thank you so much for all the fantastic goodies!! i'm afraid mine will take a bit longer to get to you, there's something in it (which i hope will be right up your alley) that was a bit heavier and it was a bit too expensive for me to send by airmail - but i promise, it is definitely on its way!

thank you again :)
(i've posted about it on my blog already)
Those are just stinking adorable! I want a pair for me!

My Frugal Family

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