A Mystery Finish

YAY FRANKIE aka Janie.

I am missing a couple of her pictures but you get the idea.

If you notice she dropped the orange and I think that was a good choice. I get to see this quilt very soon as she sent it to me to quilt.Ü GREAT JOB! So many of you are done and I am proud of you! Dont worry though if you are still plugging along. This is at your pace and I will be here when you want the next step.I still havent even started mine!
This was a trial run for one that I plan to do in the spring.
THANK YOU for all the helpfull comments on the strip quilt. It was exactly what I needed. I am done hyperventillating and have decided to put my big girl panties on. I CAN do it! With some helpful links from sosarahsew I am feeling pretty good!
I have some more thank you's to post this week but I need to take pictures. I am running behind on that. I also have a couple more crafts to post pictures on that. Yeah running behind again.Lol. I DID though start on the bargello quilt for my friend in Arkansas. I will post those pictures tomorrow. I cant wait to show you the yummy pictures Jody picked out for me. mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm


SewCalGal said…
Beautiful. Thanks for sharing. Very inspirational.

I'm not great at color selection, but this really helped. Can't wait to give it a try.

Jody said…
I agree--good job, Janie!! Mine is in stall mode.....
Michelle said…
Quilting is one "craft" that I have yet to tackle. I do love them tough and admire quilting artist.

Thanks for stopping by my blog and saying hi. :)
Anonymous said…
What?? No orange?? ;)

It's beautiful.
Anonymous said…
What?? No orange?? ;)

It's beautiful.

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