Mystery Progress and HELP!
Ok ok I know these dont have anything to do with either the Mystery or needing help. I just had to share! My favorite little man. He is getting so big and such a happy little guy.
Now for Mystery pictures. How gorgeous are these! Beatrice is now on set 5!
Jamie is hopping right along too! Here are her next steps! I cannot wait to see this all put together. That black with those bright colors is going to be stunning.
Jamie is hopping right along too! Here are her next steps! I cannot wait to see this all put together. That black with those bright colors is going to be stunning.
I cant wait to post the progression of this top from start to finish. Way to much fun!
Ok now HELP!!!! I cannot fix my blog! Does anyone know of a good blog repair person? IS there such a thing??? I tried to email the creator but I know she is super busy. I must have been supposed to check in with photo bucket on a regular basis but I didnt evidently pay attention to that part. Now I just want my blog back but photo bucket says they have no record of me.....Yikes.. So I am probably going to have to get a new blog makeover. Any ideas?? Anyone??? I cant look at this mess anymore!
" If this is your account, sign in to reactivate your linked images (why?). Upgrade to Pro to keep your linked images active permanently."
I think it just means that Photobucket needs you to log in to your account every so often in to keep it active.