We Found This Today

Its a cowboy boot with a roof! A real cowboy boot.Evidently they were using it as a bird feeder. Its the cutest yet weirdest thing we have found so far!Lol...Needless to say its going to stay.Hahahaha


Jan said…
OMG!! I WANT a better picture!! I NEED a better picture!! I'm just wierd enough to maybe need one of those... eccentric that is.... eccentric sounds nicer doesn't it...
Anonymous said…
Oh Becca......us Northerns do some of the most dumb stuff with cowboy boots.....if its like ours, its a bird house......I don't think we have ever had birds in ours, who wants to live where stinky feet were. I hope your enjoying the heat.

Karen L
Yarni Gras! said…
those are very popular in Texas....I always wanted one too........

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