A Very Special Day

Today is the 5th Anniversary of the day we adopted our youngest.This photo was taken right after the adoption.

We had always talked about having 4 kids but after 2 high risk pregnancies I was told no more. Thats ok we had 2 beautiful healthy kids. Very blessed.One of my BFFs would always play the what if game with me. You know what if you had the money to internationally adopt would you? What if a relative needed you to take a child would you? My answer was always the same. The only way we would adopt would be if a child landed on our door step.Whatever way that happened.

Famous last words.Who knew? Who knew I would be all the way in New york when I would find out a child needed help. Who knew that my wonderful hubby would have us signed up for foster care before I got home.Who knew that we would be parents again before the next week was over. Literally fell on our door step.

2 1/2 hard years later it bacame official though, it was one of the best days of our lives. We are truly truly blessed with this funny, opinionated (I dont know where she gets that from) stubborn, sassy, spoiled, prissy little girl.I cant imagine life without her.


Vicki W said…
How cool is that story!!
Anonymous said…
Happy you won the jackpot lottery day!!!! :-D
Freda said…
Congratulations on a lovely daughter Becca.
Yarni Gras! said…
what a wonderful story....and look at such a happy family!

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