2 Days B-(

Ok enough dwelling on that.

I caught up on my sleep and even got up early! Yay. I am all caught up on my blogs to read and will be in Gracie house before 9! Unbelivable. I have to get a move on today because I have a visitor coming to the studio. One of my BFF's (I belive in many) mother is coming over today. She made a quilt for her granddaughter and wants to quilt it. So we are going to do it together.Pushes my schedule off a bit but thats o.k.I can work late today as hubby is going to also.

How do yall stay caught up with quilting for customers? I sometimes feel like I just am always running behind!

All right short post but I am on a mission today! Maybe I will reward myself with a glass of wine at the end of the day.


Anonymous said…
Go Becca!! I think it's great you are fitting that quilt in!!! :-D As for the balance... that's it.. it's a balance and everyone finds thier own pace and workload that works for thier situation. We are very creative with that around here and it is always evolving and flexing etc.
Evolving and flexing. I think thats the key. I need to work on it. I keep trying to put a round peg into a square hole. Today I am feeling my schedule and am sore and tired. Ahh that glass of wine I promised myself is just a holler away! (Holler for one of the kids to bring me a glass that is!)

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